Sweden is ranked number 4 of the 27 countries of the European Union in the 2022 edition of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). It has been among the first places offering its inhabitants a digitalized and modern country. By 2030, they want 80% of the population to know at least the basics of digital skills, 100% of the most populated areas to have 5G coverage, plus all houses to have a high-speed connection of 1Gb.

Sweden is a country that quickly adapts advanced technologies in all areas thanks to the joint work of academics with the business sector as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, high performance, and quantum computing. They encourage public and private organizations to use big data and AI to increase the level of digitalization with the services 100% online that provide legal certainty and availability.
Knowledge of basic digital skills is key to the technological and digital development of the country, to preserve humanity and the global ecosystem in the next years by ensuring an adequate workforce fully trained to evolve technologically. That is why in 2017 the country published a national digitization strategy for the school system (Nationell digitaliseringsstrategi för skolväsendet) in basic and higher education that promotes the development of knowledge and equality.
The strategy includes three focus areas:
1: Digital competence for all in the school system to ensure that students develop equal and adequate digital competence.
2: Equitable use and access to provide students and teachers with access to digital tools and resources.
3: Research and monitoring of the possibilities of digitization, whose objective is to monitor the impact of technologies in education through exhaustive research to make the best use of digitization in education.
In 2021, the Swedish government commissioned the Arbetsförmedlingen (Employment Agency) together with other agencies to develop a coherent data infrastructure for skills provision and lifelong learning that strengthens people's position in the labour market while meeting the skills needs of the public and private sectors.
In 2025, 98% of the population should have access, in their houses, to 1Gb connectivity, 1.9% to 100Mb and 0.1% access to at least 30Mb. During the pandemic, the authorities notice a sense of an increase in high-speed connectivity in rural areas and secondary houses (country houses) due to home offices.
The use of the mobile phone has changed the way of connecting people. That is why it is important to adapt the 5G network in most of the territory since people require a fast connection to communicate (by video call, social media, text message interaction using messaging apps, etc.).

Sweden is in third place among the countries of the European Union that integrate technology into business activities using the cloud, artificial intelligence, e-commerce and analyzing data.
The Swedish country has decided to finance technological projects that help the country's development.
Projects such as:
Quantum Technology
The creation of a high-end quantum computer by the Wallengerg Center for Quantum Technology coordinates by Chalmers Technical University.
Artificial Intelligence
Promote the development of advanced artificial intelligence for climate and space data security applications by creating laboratories specialized in a deep understanding of AI, the first presented this 2022: Φ-lab Sweden (pronounced like the Greek letter "phi"). AI is expected to have a positive impact on society as it will be more present in daily life and businesses.
Smarter electronics system
The smarter electronics system innovation programme to create electronics components, including semiconductor components, power electronics, sensors and smart systems; will set Sweden on the path to the digital age.
Digital public services
The Scandinavian country remains one of the top countries within the EU by offering digital public services to the population, such as: filling out forms for government procedures, consulting medical records to speed up the patient care process, recognition of personal identification for bank transactions, information for criminal proceedings, as well as interaction with public and private entities through smartphones.
Companies seek to belong to the digital age to promote the technological growth of the country. An example is a family-owned brewery: Ã…bro Bryggeri. Ã…bro is advancing in its digitalization after its alliance with the software company Infor CloudSuiteâ„¢ Food & Beverage to implement a cloud solution that will allow them to sell online, among other improvements to achieve its growth objectives and modernize all its operations.
Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Internet, Deep Learning, and the home office are some solutions that will continue to grow and consolidate throughout this and next coming years. Its consolidation will have an impact on the way of working, optimizing day-to-day, understanding and analyzing data, among others.
In the coming years, it is expected that the Government will continue to prioritize the fields related to innovation to face the main social challenges, both in the short and long term, especially regarding the ecological transition, digitalization in business and the welfare of the Swedish population.
Digitization opens the door to great growth opportunities just as Iknal Semikan opens the door to engineers who want to seek new opportunities.