Our Values
Trust - Tolerance - Friendly
In Iknal Semikan, we know you are putting a lot into our hands. We want to be the most reliable part of your new life in Sweden. We want you to feel you can always trust us, that you will have all the support and guidance that you will need to start this journey with us.
Iknal Semikan community comprises worldwide members, from Alaska to Punta de Fuego and Mexico City to Tapei. We understand that every member is unique and different, with different values, traditions, religion, sexual preferences and ways of thinking that enriches our community. Being tolerant allow us to build this fantastic community where everybody can feel part of it!
We are Mexican founders living in Sweden, and one of the best characteristics that Mexicans have is that we are friendly people. We believe being friendly is an essential part of our DNA. Therefore, we want every member of our community to feel welcome and in a friendly atmosphere.